by admin | May 27, 2017 | Progressive Innovations Company News Blog
Flood Barriers for Modern Times – Progressive Innovations Flood Barriers: Fast-Built Levees™ Often 1/3rd the Price of Sandbags Progressive Innovations LLC is based in Cambridge Minnesota, USA, we at Progressive Innovations are enthusiastic about developing...
by admin | Jan 20, 2014 | Fast-Built Levees, Flood Control and Resilience, Sand Bagging Machines
Flood Control Tools: Fast-Built Levee and the Instee Levee Builder Build Powerful Flood Barriers For your flood control needs Progressive Innovations introduces the Instee Levee Builder and Fast-Built Levees (FBL). This tool creates 18in high stackable FBL. The value...
by admin | Jan 17, 2014 | Fast-Built Levees, Flood Control and Resilience, Sand Bagging Machines
Create Super Heavy Duty Fast-Built Levees® with the: Quick Levee Builder® Learn more at: Call Now! 1-800-557-9024 Easy Financing! A Super Heavy Duty Levee Building Machine The Quick Levee Builder® creates a super heavy duty Fast-Built...
by admin | Jan 17, 2014 | Fast-Built Levees, Flood Control and Resilience, Sand Bagging Machines
Fast-Built Levee versus Floodwaters Fast-Built Levee Versus Floodwaters This is Super heavy-duty 42in high Fast-Built Levee at the Nor-Am Cold Storage Facility. As you can see it holds water back quite admirably even as it approaches 42in height. Consider the...
by admin | Jan 10, 2014 | Company News Blog
ProBagger 12 Skid-Steer Loader Sandbagging Machine The ProBagger 12 is a sandbagging machine that some describe as a bucket bagger. It can easily fill 400 sandbags per hour and is operated by 2 or 3 people. Because the ProBagger 12 is such a powerful tool, operators...