ProBagger 12
ProBagger 12
Skid-Steer Loader Sandbagging Machine
The ProBagger 12 is a sandbagging machine that some describe as a bucket bagger. It can easily fill 400 sandbags per hour and is operated by 2 or 3 people. Because the ProBagger 12 is such a powerful tool, operators can keep up high production rates for extended periods of time with little fatigue. Also, the ProBagger 12 is ideal for making sandbags that are not overfilled sausages, but filled right for fighting floods (half filled bags per U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recommendations). However, if 100% filled sandbags are desired, simply remove the bolt on full guides which install/uninstall quickly and easily. With the ProBagger 12 sandbags can be filled and placed on site so there is no need to seal or fasten the bags closed saving a step and valuable time. This tool uses the most common standard 14×26 sandbags. www.progressiveinnovations.com
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