
Progressive Innovations, Flood Resilience How To Guide Community:  Act 16's

Progressive Innovations

Shared publicly  –  Jan 10, 2014

Flood Resilience:

Progressive Innovations Has Joined +Act 16’s Flood Resilience How To Guide Community!

Our Featured Story and Our Flood Control Technology

We at Progressive Innovations are enthusiastic about solving complex problems. Here is our featured story and our flood control technology at your service. Included in the video are Fast-Built Levees. The Fast-Built Levees (FBL’s) are often  one-third the cost of empty sandbags and all the work is done. The Instee and Quick Levee Builders are available for rent or buy with easy financing. We welcome your comments and questions. Please let us know what you think. Thanks! www.progressiveinnovations.com

Here is the community link: Act 16’s Flood Resilience How To Guide

